Our New Lifestyle

Houston having fun with Mommy on the changing table.

Hanging out with Daddy in the kitchen.

Stephen and I embarked on a new lifestyle as of January 2. And already Stephen has lost 9 pounds and I have lost 1 1/2 pounds. We have not veered off course in the least: that includes having absolutely no alcohol, no sweet cheats and no dinners out of the house. We did go out to lunch yesterday after church, but we both ate very responsibly. We have also been reading a lot more and getting in bed early, although that still hasn’t helped my sense of wakefulness in the morning. I guess when a kid wakes up around 6 a.m. each day and his mom ain’t a morning person, that’s still a hard thing for mama to get used to. Hopefully, it will get easier with time … as will our new lifestyle of breaking old bad habits and pursuing healthier living. I know lots of people have these types of resolutions in the New Year, but I really feel as if Stephen and I will succeed, not only because we want to, but also because we have to physically, mentally, spiritually, parentally and economically. Plus, 8 is my lucky number, so I can just sense that 2008 is going to kick butt!
You may have guessed that we were unable to take the Mac in to the shop over the weekend (we forgot to make an appointment), so I’m taking advantage of this extra time with the computer and putting some of our old, not-yet-published photos into gallery. The top picture is from August 2007 and the above picture is from September 2007. There are also some additional old photos that don’t fall exactly into the “Houston Lee” category; I hope to post all of those later in the week.
Well, here’s to 2008. Hope y’all are having a wondering New Year!